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Maxar data related to the Morocco Earthquake event in September 2023, collected by GeoEye-1 and WorldView-4 satellites

maxar_morocco_earthquake_4bands whole collection

0 datasets
  • No configured regions

Metadata (eo3)

Common fields

No common values

Location 🔗 (samples)

No recorded locations

Measurements 🔗

uint16 ms_analytic_band_B / ms_analytic_blue 0
uint16 ms_analytic_band_G / ms_analytic_green 0
uint16 ms_analytic_band_R / ms_analytic_red 0
uint16 ms_analytic_band_N / ms_analytic_nir08 0
uint16 pan_analytic / pan 0
uint8 visual_band_R / visual_red 0
uint8 visual_band_G / visual_green 0
uint8 visual_band_B / visual_blue 0

Total: 8

Storage Parameters 🔗

crs EPSG:32629 resolution x 0.47 y -0.47

Definition 🔗